Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Different is Good

I had lunch today at a place in Austin called the Farmacy. It is modeled after a pharmacy (duh) and the brand they are creating is way cool - even down to the salt and pepper shakers. But ambiance alone will not keep your doors open. The food has got to rock especially if you are going to make it in weird, quirky Austin.
I had a turkey sandwich on multigrain bread with a dash of strawberry/orange jam on it smothered with mozzarella cheese. (I am hungry again as I am typing this!) Yum yum, my friends. Side note: I discovered I have a jar fetish - especially blue tinted jars. I have an array of them in my kitchen. I was tempted to make these salt and pepper shakers part of that array but...I walked away thankful we found another cool place we can call home.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I love you Hallmark but...

When's the last time you gave someone a card and they kept it out and displayed it? I love you Hallmark but your cards don't have a lot of staying power. This card, which is actually a card that holds up to three tags, was displayed in my mother in law's kitchen for months. It allowed me enough room to thank her for all she does and on the other tag I created a word cloud to tell her all the qualities that make her special. I think it was a feel good card for both of us!

There is only one problem...what am I going to do for this year's card? I better get busy.

Honor the women in your life and use your creativity to say a BIG thank you!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Great find!

We went bumming yesterday in the hill Country and found this antique holder of treasures. I am using it for my new distress markers and Copic.  Love it!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

My Garden Party

"Where have you been?," I've been asked.'s been a cross between planting and tending to my large garden and being flu sick. For all you artists out there you know what I'm talking about. Trying to be creative while feeling like the flu is knocking at your door is just an art killer. But I did want you to know that I am alive and coming back. I took my garden and applied some creative elements to it and wah - la- Garden Art. Check this out.

I have been busy still creating and coming up, some results from an online class I am taking from the master, Tim Holtz. He is teaching us about inks, stamping, and "out of the box thinking" when it comes to our art message to the world. It has been an eye opener for sure.

So be creative today and thankful for your health. Eloise