Friday, October 24, 2014

Vintage Book Decor is here

There is something about the rustic feel of vintage books that has always appealed to me. While at Round Top last year I was inspired by a fellow crafter to take my style to a pile of books and see what happens.
I love the results. These can go up in a bookshelf or on a coffee table. I have mine in a book easel and I am so happy how it turned out. Thanks to a fellow crafter for challenging me and turning me loose.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Hidden Jewel part 1

I had walked past the old barn a zillion times.  Never once did it enter my mind that there might be something more hidden amongst the old bailing wire, rusted tools, and snake nests. (yes, snake nests.)
But someone did - my father in law, Hank.  He knew that I had outgrown my old smokehouse art studio and he approached me with an idea..."Why not take the two rooms of the barn and make them into your new studio?"  Huh? He knew that I had outgrown the old smokehouse studio that I was using and he came up with an idea - a great idea indeed!

Now the hunt was on for who could help us with this task - turning a barn into a studio?  Hank to the rescue again.  One day he was at the farm and while driving back from Granger, he saw a contractor's truck parked onsite at a house.  So he stopped and wrote his number down from the side of the truck.  I called him the next day and met Mario, a local contractor who understood my vision for what we wanted.  Within weeks...we were clearing out the barn getting it ready for Mario and his crew to begin the transformation.  And yes..we found a snake!

First job was to level the floor of this eighty year old barn --not an easy task. It took them over a day to get both ends of the barn level.  I was afraid the team was going to quit.  I kept bringing them water.  They weren't smiling.  Finally, they were happy and ready to move on.

While they were working on the floor and frame, we were sourcing the windows, doors, flooring at Habitat for Humanity.  I highly recommend their stores in your area.  The prices are great and you are helping your community in the process.  Everyday we could see progress - walls, insulation, sheetrock.  This old barn was becoming my vintage studio!

 Next up...the studio comes to life.